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What happens when you get in a car accident in a construction site? | Nourmand Legal | Accident Attorneys

What happens when you get in a car accident in a construction site?

Construction companies must follow strict laws to ensure that the area they will be working in is safe for their workers, drivers, and the community. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and ¨construction sites¨ can pose a danger to everyone, causing collisions and resulting in injuries and even fatalities. 

First, let’s look at how a car accident on a construction site is defined. A car accident on a construction site occurs when the first damaging situation happens within the area marked as “construction site,” “work area,” or something similar, or when a driver is approaching or exiting it. Work areas on roads and highways must have clear signage and not be confusing for drivers, whether workers are present or not.

Although it can be difficult to determine liability in a construction site accident, the same criteria are used as in any other accident. Therefore, the party that acted negligently or failed in their duty of care will be held at fault for the accident and the injuries that other people may suffer.

Some situations in which the construction company may be liable are:

  • Lack of signage
  • Confusing signage or signage that is not fully visible
  • Material, signs, vehicles, or devices very close to the travel lanes
  • Poor location of construction machinery
  • Negligent handling of construction machinery by operators
  • Poor route design forces drivers to make sudden maneuvers

However, there are also negligent drivers who, by wanting to leave the area quickly or driving distractedly, can cause an accident. Some of the situations where a driver would be liable include:

  • Failure to respect signs or warning signs
  • Collide with signs
  • Collide with construction machinery for not paying attention
  • Hit construction zone employees.
  • Not keeping an appropriate distance from other vehicles could cause a collision if one of them had to brake suddenly.

It is essential to contact a specialized attorney to help you determine liability and the strength of your case. Call us today! We will be happy to go over your situation with you.

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