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Internal injuries caused by a car accident | Nourmand Legal | Accident Attorneys

Internal injuries caused by a car accident

A car accident can cause internal injuries that can be severe and potentially life-threatening. While the external damage caused by a collision may be readily apparent, the internal injuries sustained can often go unnoticed, making them all the more dangerous.


These injuries can vary in severity depending on the force of impact, the location of the impact, and individual factors. Understanding the potential internal injuries resulting from car accidents is crucial in recognizing symptoms, seeking prompt medical attention, and ensuring appropriate treatment.


Most common internal injuries caused by a car accident


· Organ damage. The impact that a person suffers during a car accident can cause trauma to vital organs such as the liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, and spleen. Blunt force or compression can lead to internal bleeding or lacerations, which may not be immediately apparent. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, tenderness, swelling, or shock, like low blood pressure and rapid heartbeat, should never be ignored.


· Traumatic brain injury (TBI). The brain is highly vulnerable to acceleration-deceleration forces during a collision, which can cause the brain to hit against the skull, resulting in bruising, bleeding, or swelling. TBIs can go from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries, causing cognitive, physical, and emotional impairments. Common symptoms include headache, dizziness, confusion, memory loss, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. Seeking immediate medical attention after any head trauma is crucial to prevent further complications.


· Fractured or broken ribs. An impact can cause the forceful compression of the chest, leading to rib fractures. These injuries are extremely painful and can also cause damage to nearby organs. Symptoms include sharp chest pain, difficulty breathing, tenderness, and swelling. Prompt medical evaluation and appropriate pain management are crucial in treating rib fractures effectively.


· Spinal cord injuries. The violent jolt or impact can damage the spinal cord, causing partial or complete paralysis. The extent of the injury depends on the location and severity of the trauma. Spinal cord injuries can have lifelong consequences, requiring extensive medical care, rehabilitation, and adaptive equipment to support daily functioning.


Car accidents can cause many internal injuries, some of which can have devastating consequences. Prompt recognition and appropriate medical intervention are vital in mitigating the long-term effects of these injuries. Anyone involved in a car accident, even if seemingly minor, should seek medical evaluation to rule out internal injuries.
