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Can the Dealership Be Held Liable If My Car Malfunctions? | Nourmand Legal | Accident Attorneys

Can the Dealership Be Held Liable If My Car Malfunctions?

The simple act of driving and the speed of that action is, in itself, a risk. Of course, the chances of injury are minimal if the driver is a responsible person who follows all traffic-related guidelines and laws. However, there are external elements that, as drivers, we cannot control. Weather, drivers of other vehicles (who may adopt a more or less irresponsible behavior), road conditions, among many others.

An element that we have not mentioned and that can increase the chances of a traffic accident, minor or severe, is the negligence of the car dealerships. These companies are obliged to deliver a vehicle with quality and safety standards that do not compromise the physical integrity of the buyer. The same case applies to the owner of a car already purchased, who has gone to the dealer’s repair services.

We must be attentive to any anomaly, even if the dealer guarantees correct operation. A simple failure can mean an accident that compromises the life of the driver and their companions.

A vehicle fresh out of a dealership for sale or repair must have fully functional and reactive brakes. This is one of the first causes of traffic accidents that has nothing to do with the driver’s irresponsibility.
On the other hand, pedals, balance, alignment, electrical system, lights; absolutely everything must be in good condition. The mechanical, sales, and administrative departments must be held responsible if a vehicle goes out in dangerous situations.

In that case, an investigation would be conducted to determine who was responsible for directly operating the repairs and who decided to use defective parts or perform a specific repair.

In cases like these, it is possible to file a claim for compensation if an accident occurs. This would cover medical expenses and proper repairs to the vehicle. Also, there is the alternative that the company reimburses the money or offers another car.

If you believe that you have suffered an injury due to the negligence of a dealer, you can proceed with a legal claim. If you or someone else is facing similar situations, remember that at Nourmand, we are dedicated to helping with these cases. We firmly believe that we should all be safe behind the wheel. We will guide and advise you. Call us at (800) 550-981.

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